These gourmet potato chips (aka crisps) made in a paddle-type air fryer such as an Actifry™ with just one tablespoon of fat taste better than if they were deep-fried in a bucketful of oil. The duck fat and crispy flakes of Maldon sea salt raise these potato chips to a whole other level of decadent, gourmet succulence.
Diet food these still ain’t quite. But, these are still two-thirds less fattening than regular store-bought potato chips. Or, if you think like us, that means you can eat three times as many!
You can accentuate the “healthier” track by dusting them with a salt substitute instead of gourmet salt. Feel free to further experiment by dusting them with a bit of finely grated parmesan, dried chipotle or chili powder, a squirt of fresh lime, a splash of good malt vinegar, etc.
Also nice cooked with a few dashes of Maggi or soy sauce in the cooking fat.
Air Fried Gourmet Potato Chips
- 1 kg potatoes (2 lbs)
- 1 tablespoon duck fat
- Maldon salt
- Wash and peel the potatoes.
- Slice them thinly. (If you have a mandoline, here's a great reason to use it -- feel free to try your ruffle blade!)
- Place in a large pot of cold water to soak for a few minutes. (The soaking both protects the potato slices from discolouring in the air, and leeches starch out, making for a crispier chip.) Swirl around a bit if you feel like it.
- Pop the duck fat in the Actifry and heat for 2 minutes.
- Drain the potato slices well; then pat dry in tea towel, or swirl in a salad spinner.
- Add to Actifry bowl, spreading them out.
- Cook for 40 to 50 minutes, at 10 minute intervals. At the end of each interval, use tongs to break up any clump and spread them out again.
- Transfer to a bowl, toss with a few pinches of Maldon Salt (or gourmet salt or salt substitute of your choice.) Serve hot or warm.
They will shrink down a great deal as water evaporates out of the chips / crisps — some more than others, depending upon the variety of potato. Experiment with different varieties of potatoes; some varieties actually do make better chips / crisps than others. In fact, some commercial varieties (unavailable to us mere consumers) are grown just for making chips / crisps.
You can try leaving the potatoes unpeeled, but so far they seem to work best peeled for us. (Tip! No need to waste the nutrition and taste in the potato peelings — use them to make potato peel stock.)
You can try doubling the recipe if you have a family size Actifry, but, there might not be enough “drying space capacity space” to really crisp them up. You can also cut the recipe in half.
1 serving of 75 g (3 oz / 3/4 cup) is 5 Weight Watcher PointsPlus® (201 calories). Compare that to 4 ww points for only 28 g (1 oz) of regular potato chips. For 1 point more, you get just about 3 times as many chips / crisps.
Makes 250 g (3 cups / 1/2 pound) in total.
For a salt substitute, we generally reach for Herbamare® Sodium-free.
* Nutrition info provided by
* PointsPlus™ calculated by Not endorsed by Weight Watchers® International, Inc, which is the owner of the PointsPlus® registered trademark.
* Actifry™ is a registered trademark of SEB, France.
There’s no temperature on this recipe… I don’t know if the machine you’re using doesn’t require one? I own an Emeril Airfry & you have to select a temperature. The recipes I’ve found say 390. I tried 320 & the outsides burn before the center is cooked. I’m now trying a batch on 250…